Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 9, thing 23--the final post!!!!

I am sad that this is coming to the end. I have enjoyed this journey and I think that I have grown as an educator, a librarian, and as an over-all student. I think a benefit that I had already some prior knowledge for some of the tools but I was able to play and learn some new tricks!

I think my favorite discoveries were Flickr and mashups. I did not have a lot of experience with any of these but I liked them because they were easy to navigate thru with tutorials and help links.

I think this blog/program assisted me as a life-long learner by giving some more tools in this ever changing environment. Something I think should be emphasized in this type of learning environment is the fact that this technology is ever-changing but for the better. I think a great example of this is the productivity tools. I think that the Google Docs and Zoho were great and are great tools for classrooms to subscribe to.

The Rollyo lesson was not the best tool for me. I had difficulty geting the link to work and for the page to load. I was unsure if it was because the page/creator was updating so other aspects were especially slow.

I would love to participate in a later discovery program, I would enjoy participating. I thought this was the most beneficial thing to work my way through.

My one word I would use is ever-changing.

I would love to maintain my blog! I want to be able to communicate in this forum for book reviews and other educational endeavors that I am taking people through. I'm thinking as I teach teachers certain Web 2.0 tools.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on successfully completing School Library Learning 2.0. We are pleased to learn you plan to continue and discover assistive technology. The tutorial is a little different from SLL2.0, but enriching nonetheless.

    Best wishes! Consider tweeting about both School Library Learning 2.0 and Discovering Assistive Technology! Tweets are sweet!

    Best wishes.
