When I compare the books to what I like I would have to say that the Courtney text was of more value to me than Jurkowski. I thought that Courtney was easier to read and it had some immediate application. There were a few chapters that I found to be the most beneficial when I comes to my goals of incorporating web 2.0 tools in my library. For example...podcasting. As soon as I heard about podcasting I immediately thought of booktalks and some sort of library greeting program. I would love to have a library program where they are greeted by Mrs. Line in avatar form or me sharing the latest releases in the library. I like how Courtney explains the Getting Started with podcasting. The tools listed are very simple to pick up and very cost effective.
I think the second chapter that I found the most useful is the chapter in Jurkowski on the technology plan. Having just gone thru a technology plan development, I was happy to now have a tool in my hand to help me evaluate the plan. I also liked how Jurkowski explained the importance of the librarian/media specialist in the development of technology. I also liked how there is an emphasis on the importance of professional development and the technology plan development. I think this is something that is sometimes missed in some of the components that require change.
I think that both texts have their value and their place for me to further my quest to make technology more prominant in my school.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Ning--Final presentation
I have become a fan of Ning in the last 5 months. How I stumbled upon it was after attending NECC in Washington, DC this summer. There was an open session of a teacher who uses Ning as a teaching tool. She used it for group projects and other collaboration tools for her students to use for meetings and for presentations. It is a great tool and it has everything in it that you would want for the students to use for collaboration, like blog, email, embed videos, share articles, post forum discussions. I think what is great about it is that NING is based upon common interests. So for example, if I want to share my "expertise" with the world on dog breeding, I can go to Ning, create a network called "dog breeding" and invite others who have the same interest.
Another reason I like Ning is the fact that I can privitize it. This is how I was able to sell the concept to my administration. Since I have a required log in for my ning, I am protecting my "patrons" on the Ning.
The final reason I like Ning is the fact that I have access to past discussions and past information because it is archived. Too many times with a wikispace the information is gone or I have to go to the wayback machine to find it agin.
I think Ning should be something that teachers and librarians should look into for professional development. Since so many of us are in isolation and have a difficult time meeting with others in their field that have great ideas and want to share their great ideas!
Another reason I like Ning is the fact that I can privitize it. This is how I was able to sell the concept to my administration. Since I have a required log in for my ning, I am protecting my "patrons" on the Ning.
The final reason I like Ning is the fact that I have access to past discussions and past information because it is archived. Too many times with a wikispace the information is gone or I have to go to the wayback machine to find it agin.
I think Ning should be something that teachers and librarians should look into for professional development. Since so many of us are in isolation and have a difficult time meeting with others in their field that have great ideas and want to share their great ideas!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Module 5--The Final Chapter
I think the most valuable thing I learned was the selection of the hardware and software. I realize the difficulty that a decision like that is and how valuable in this day and age to have the technology for someone who has a disability and needs adaptations. I think I will be able to better look at the person instead of the disability. I think I will be more understanding and patient for those students who need the adaptations. I know that there are times that I am annoyed by having to tweak things or attend and IEP meeting. I think now I will be better equipped to share resources with parents and others.
I think this tutorial is a nice overview and tip-of-the-ice-burg type of resource. I thought it was thorough but at the same time simple to complete. I felt that I learned new information and will be able to better serve my students.
I have already linked the Library Thing to my wikispace and I have shared the list with a few of my teachers. And I think that having the access to the professional books as well as the fiction books is a great way to create awareness to everyone.
I think this tutorial is a nice overview and tip-of-the-ice-burg type of resource. I thought it was thorough but at the same time simple to complete. I felt that I learned new information and will be able to better serve my students.
I have already linked the Library Thing to my wikispace and I have shared the list with a few of my teachers. And I think that having the access to the professional books as well as the fiction books is a great way to create awareness to everyone.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Module 4--Etiquette and awareness
I thought I would look at some of the websites that deal with some of my students disabilities. I think the first disability that is becoming a greater issue in schools is autism. My husband and I debated whether is was because it is being diagnosed more often or is the awareness of the disability.
I think the best site is http://www.autismspeaks.org/. I think it gives great information for all parties involved, children, parents, teachers. It is updated regularly, in fact as early as today (December 2nd).
Another regular disability that is coming up in my school is the ADHD/ADD diagnosis. I have experienced students who are not diagnosed but need to be so accommodations can be made and I have seen students who do not need the diagnosis but do. A website that I've used to help create IEP's or Chapter 15 plans is http://www.help4adhd.org/ I think it useful because it stays focused on the disability and accomodations that can be made for students to have school success.
A disability that I do not know a lot about how to respond and interact with a person without making a stupid mistake is a person who is deaf or hearing difficulty. I begain researching for some information regarding this in the way of literacy development and early childhood development. http://www.hsdc.org/ This gives some great information for how to incorporate literacy into a classroom that has students with hearing difficulties.
My sister was diagnosed with dyslexia in 1st grade. She has struggled her whole life with it but has learned how to cope and accommodate for her disability. I have used this website http://www.dys-add.com/ for helping develop the IEP's and Chapter 15 plans. I really like how the web site has accommodations for teachers and for children, especially in testing situations.
A disability that is popping up regularly in my school is conduct disabilities. This is seen in the student who has oppositional defiant disorder. This is coming up more and more and is effecting the classroom. Students and teachers have to develop coping strategies and modifications. A website that I have recently stumbled upon is http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/children_with_oppositional_defiant_disorder
This site helps with defining what this is as well as help with the strategies needed for teachers, students, and parents. I think something that tends to happen when someone is diagnosed with the ODD, they are "behavior problems." But the student needs the coping skills and the support from the adults in the situation.
I think also, compare to 10 years ago, schools have really developed IEP's and Chapter 15 plans to focus on the child. Where if I remember correctly when I my sister was diagnosed with dyslexia, the school was almost annoyed with the prospect that my mother wanted my sister in a regular classroom, not a special needs classroom. My mom fought for my sister be given accommodations instead of being placed in a room.
I think the best site is http://www.autismspeaks.org/. I think it gives great information for all parties involved, children, parents, teachers. It is updated regularly, in fact as early as today (December 2nd).
Another regular disability that is coming up in my school is the ADHD/ADD diagnosis. I have experienced students who are not diagnosed but need to be so accommodations can be made and I have seen students who do not need the diagnosis but do. A website that I've used to help create IEP's or Chapter 15 plans is http://www.help4adhd.org/ I think it useful because it stays focused on the disability and accomodations that can be made for students to have school success.
A disability that I do not know a lot about how to respond and interact with a person without making a stupid mistake is a person who is deaf or hearing difficulty. I begain researching for some information regarding this in the way of literacy development and early childhood development. http://www.hsdc.org/ This gives some great information for how to incorporate literacy into a classroom that has students with hearing difficulties.
My sister was diagnosed with dyslexia in 1st grade. She has struggled her whole life with it but has learned how to cope and accommodate for her disability. I have used this website http://www.dys-add.com/ for helping develop the IEP's and Chapter 15 plans. I really like how the web site has accommodations for teachers and for children, especially in testing situations.
A disability that is popping up regularly in my school is conduct disabilities. This is seen in the student who has oppositional defiant disorder. This is coming up more and more and is effecting the classroom. Students and teachers have to develop coping strategies and modifications. A website that I have recently stumbled upon is http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/children_with_oppositional_defiant_disorder
This site helps with defining what this is as well as help with the strategies needed for teachers, students, and parents. I think something that tends to happen when someone is diagnosed with the ODD, they are "behavior problems." But the student needs the coping skills and the support from the adults in the situation.
I think also, compare to 10 years ago, schools have really developed IEP's and Chapter 15 plans to focus on the child. Where if I remember correctly when I my sister was diagnosed with dyslexia, the school was almost annoyed with the prospect that my mother wanted my sister in a regular classroom, not a special needs classroom. My mom fought for my sister be given accommodations instead of being placed in a room.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Module 3-software
I think the use of some of the software programs now available would have assisted me great because I am a visual learner and I would have benefited with the use of Inspiration . I liked to use Inspiration for students to design their own plot diagram for a story (when I was an English teacher) we read or to explain other literary concepts. For example, I used Inspiration for literary circles to explain certain themes in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Students were able to go out onto the web and find clips and symbols to explain their concept to the class.
Probably a great tool that I use is the Gutenburg project. This created a database of novels and short stories that someone would be able to read on screen or convert it to an audible file. I like the use of InfoEyes. I think it would be great for the student I discussed in the hardware discussion.
Probably a great tool that I use is the Gutenburg project. This created a database of novels and short stories that someone would be able to read on screen or convert it to an audible file. I like the use of InfoEyes. I think it would be great for the student I discussed in the hardware discussion.
Module 2--Hardware
As an intro...I lost total track on my calendar so I am a week behind.
One thing that I noticed on the EnableMart website is the vast array of tools that are available to students and teachers. I can see that this could be very overwhelming and very useful for all parties involved.
While reflecting with some of the adaptations and accommodations available for students and co-workers I realized that this could be an entire job. There is a student in my school that is constantly being adapted and accommodated. He has learning and hearing difficulties. One thing that is adapted is for his listening. All of his teachers have a microphone attached to their clothing that not only amplifies the teacher's voice but also records the lectures or classroom happenings into a MP3 file for the student to access later. Also, this same student has an adaptive keyboard that he uses for notes and all his classwork so his handwriting is not a concern.
I also think about my co-workers who have to be at a computer screen constantly throughout the day. Some of the secretaries in my building have had issues with their backs and their eyes. The school has resolved this by providing the ergonomically correct chair for their use as well as lowering the lighting for their offices so their eyes are not as strained while looking at the computer.
In my needs assessment I am trying to focus on the autistic classroom recently added to my school district. The students are becoming a great asset to my school. However, I think some of the faculty and students do not think that these students will be able to adapt to technology and other adaptive devices. I would like to show them different.
One thing that I noticed on the EnableMart website is the vast array of tools that are available to students and teachers. I can see that this could be very overwhelming and very useful for all parties involved.
While reflecting with some of the adaptations and accommodations available for students and co-workers I realized that this could be an entire job. There is a student in my school that is constantly being adapted and accommodated. He has learning and hearing difficulties. One thing that is adapted is for his listening. All of his teachers have a microphone attached to their clothing that not only amplifies the teacher's voice but also records the lectures or classroom happenings into a MP3 file for the student to access later. Also, this same student has an adaptive keyboard that he uses for notes and all his classwork so his handwriting is not a concern.
I also think about my co-workers who have to be at a computer screen constantly throughout the day. Some of the secretaries in my building have had issues with their backs and their eyes. The school has resolved this by providing the ergonomically correct chair for their use as well as lowering the lighting for their offices so their eyes are not as strained while looking at the computer.
In my needs assessment I am trying to focus on the autistic classroom recently added to my school district. The students are becoming a great asset to my school. However, I think some of the faculty and students do not think that these students will be able to adapt to technology and other adaptive devices. I would like to show them different.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Intro/Modual 1
This is something, i.e. the adaptive technology, I feel I need to get stronger at creating and learning about. I think the library is a key place in any school that needs to be able to assist all students in their needs.
I liked the youtube videos about the different organizations and the special stories about regular people adapting with their different disabilities.
While reviewing the NFB website, I learned quite a bit regarding the various issues that effect a person who is blind, especially while trying to learn different subject areas. This is something I never looked at before. I did not consider the difficulty of having to teach a visual concept to a blind student, like decimal points or other technology or engineering topics. I noticed in the lesson plans and other activities that a concept that I learned visually is taught to blind students using a tactile approach. For example, trying to describe the phases of the moon in a cycle, I would probably be shown the different phases thru pictures. A lesson plan on the NFB website showed that the teacher could use a stryrofoam ball to deomonstrate the phases. Very creative and simple to adapt.
Since I am coming from a classroom prior to my move to the library, I have sat in on several IEP development meetings as well as Chapter 15 meetings. Something that I learned is a lot of the adaptions are generally the best teaching practices. Using the SOAR website, I looked up some of the frequent disabilities that I'm meeting with parents about to decide upon the best teaching practice for their child. After viewing some of the lists that employers should try to practice, I only have apprciation for the employers who would make the check lists for the ADHD employeek, or create visual cards for concepts of teminology or recording directions. It is to benefit the person to be a better student or employee. I have sat thru the same meetings and had teachers complain that they had to teach their lessons using a microphone for the hearing impaired child in the classroom or adapt their 15 year old test for the student who needs a larger font for reading purposes.
Even in the library, I have looked into and purchased a few headphones for students who have reading difficulties and are listening to the book online or CD while following along in the book. This is a cognitive disability that is becoming more prevalant in my school district.
I liked the youtube videos about the different organizations and the special stories about regular people adapting with their different disabilities.
While reviewing the NFB website, I learned quite a bit regarding the various issues that effect a person who is blind, especially while trying to learn different subject areas. This is something I never looked at before. I did not consider the difficulty of having to teach a visual concept to a blind student, like decimal points or other technology or engineering topics. I noticed in the lesson plans and other activities that a concept that I learned visually is taught to blind students using a tactile approach. For example, trying to describe the phases of the moon in a cycle, I would probably be shown the different phases thru pictures. A lesson plan on the NFB website showed that the teacher could use a stryrofoam ball to deomonstrate the phases. Very creative and simple to adapt.
Since I am coming from a classroom prior to my move to the library, I have sat in on several IEP development meetings as well as Chapter 15 meetings. Something that I learned is a lot of the adaptions are generally the best teaching practices. Using the SOAR website, I looked up some of the frequent disabilities that I'm meeting with parents about to decide upon the best teaching practice for their child. After viewing some of the lists that employers should try to practice, I only have apprciation for the employers who would make the check lists for the ADHD employeek, or create visual cards for concepts of teminology or recording directions. It is to benefit the person to be a better student or employee. I have sat thru the same meetings and had teachers complain that they had to teach their lessons using a microphone for the hearing impaired child in the classroom or adapt their 15 year old test for the student who needs a larger font for reading purposes.
Even in the library, I have looked into and purchased a few headphones for students who have reading difficulties and are listening to the book online or CD while following along in the book. This is a cognitive disability that is becoming more prevalant in my school district.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Week 9, thing 23--the final post!!!!

I think my favorite discoveries were Flickr and mashups. I did not have a lot of experience with any of these but I liked them because they were easy to navigate thru with tutorials and help links.
I think this blog/program assisted me as a life-long learner by giving some more tools in this ever changing environment. Something I think should be emphasized in this type of learning environment is the fact that this technology is ever-changing but for the better. I think a great example of this is the productivity tools. I think that the Google Docs and Zoho were great and are great tools for classrooms to subscribe to.
The Rollyo lesson was not the best tool for me. I had difficulty geting the link to work and for the page to load. I was unsure if it was because the page/creator was updating so other aspects were especially slow.
I would love to participate in a later discovery program, I would enjoy participating. I thought this was the most beneficial thing to work my way through.
My one word I would use is ever-changing.
I would love to maintain my blog! I want to be able to communicate in this forum for book reviews and other educational endeavors that I am taking people through. I'm thinking as I teach teachers certain Web 2.0 tools.
Week 9, thing 22
I see a great advantage to the use of e-books but I think this will be a technology that might be a while until it is fully caught on by the public. I asked some of my colleagues about the e-book and they did not seem thrilled about the concept. Some even said that there is something about the feel of the book in your hand and turning the pages. I agree with that because there is something about holding the book on your porch on a nice summer day. I don't know if this is where I want to talk about the kindle but I think that is a similar issue for me--the feeling of the book.
I found the website World E-book fair difficult to navigate but I can see value in it. I used the search and browse features to find classics and some contemporary titles.
I am familiar with the Gutenberg project and have used the texts in my English classroom and in my online classes.
I found the website World E-book fair difficult to navigate but I can see value in it. I used the search and browse features to find classics and some contemporary titles.
I am familiar with the Gutenberg project and have used the texts in my English classroom and in my online classes.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Week 9, thing 21
WriteRead Podcast
I will say that I have not completely submersed myself in the podcast world and I can actually see great value in the podcast. Especially for some educational concepts and things like booktalks or quick concepts for possible reinforcement. I think that I can find great use to having a podcast feed so I can feed my need for whatever information I needed.
I have wanted to create a podcast on various topics like booktalks or quick technology and Web 2.0 tips for teachers.
I will say that I have not completely submersed myself in the podcast world and I can actually see great value in the podcast. Especially for some educational concepts and things like booktalks or quick concepts for possible reinforcement. I think that I can find great use to having a podcast feed so I can feed my need for whatever information I needed.
I have wanted to create a podcast on various topics like booktalks or quick technology and Web 2.0 tips for teachers.
Week 9, Thing 20
The video associated with this blog I hope is not offensive to people. But I received it through facebook and it is fascinating to me. I'm thinking of it as a public service announcement...for the parents of college students....think about how they are spending their time. Enjoy it!
I love YOUTUBE!!! My husband and I are always on it for new information, finding old episodes of shows, and for just finding cool things (beer pong video!). The quest one night was to find a Seinfeld episode and with some quick tag search terms, we found it!
I think for a librarian and for really any teacher, I think the use of Youtube is great for creating a point of a lesson, for adding to a lesson, and for even creating a front-loading technique. I used Youtube for a clip to show the trailer of To Kill a Mockingbird prior to reading the book. It is mysterious but provides a visual for characters.
I know through my own family use that I can create a playlist. Something I would love to do in the library is create a playlist dealing with book talks or author interviews. I would alredy have clips that I want to use ready.
I love YOUTUBE!!! My husband and I are always on it for new information, finding old episodes of shows, and for just finding cool things (beer pong video!). The quest one night was to find a Seinfeld episode and with some quick tag search terms, we found it!
I think for a librarian and for really any teacher, I think the use of Youtube is great for creating a point of a lesson, for adding to a lesson, and for even creating a front-loading technique. I used Youtube for a clip to show the trailer of To Kill a Mockingbird prior to reading the book. It is mysterious but provides a visual for characters.
I know through my own family use that I can create a playlist. Something I would love to do in the library is create a playlist dealing with book talks or author interviews. I would alredy have clips that I want to use ready.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Week 8, thing 19
I thought Library Thing was and IS a great tool to use. I think it could be used by my students to create lists and to share their reading activities. I also think, besides in the librarian world that I'm accustomed to, I could use this as a personal portfolio for my reading and future reading. I have used a similar program, that being Shelfari. I think the major difference between Shelfari and Library Thing is that the Library Thing has the connection to the LOC and other librarians. Shelfari does have the access to Amazon just like Library Thing. I like how the blog shows how other librarians used Library Thing for recommendations to specific groups like the teen population. I would use it for that and to share professional development with teachers.
In the "How Libraries are using LT" it mentioned the issue a librarian was having with connecting some of the reviews and lists with the OPAC. I think that this partially resolved by some of the circulation programs that are coming popular like Follet Destiny or Alexidria. These programs have the capabilities to allow the users to write the reviews and design their own "shelves", like Library Thing and Shelfari.
I thought Library Thing was and IS a great tool to use. I think it could be used by my students to create lists and to share their reading activities. I also think, besides in the librarian world that I'm accustomed to, I could use this as a personal portfolio for my reading and future reading. I have used a similar program, that being Shelfari. I think the major difference between Shelfari and Library Thing is that the Library Thing has the connection to the LOC and other librarians. Shelfari does have the access to Amazon just like Library Thing. I like how the blog shows how other librarians used Library Thing for recommendations to specific groups like the teen population. I would use it for that and to share professional development with teachers.
In the "How Libraries are using LT" it mentioned the issue a librarian was having with connecting some of the reviews and lists with the OPAC. I think that this partially resolved by some of the circulation programs that are coming popular like Follet Destiny or Alexidria. These programs have the capabilities to allow the users to write the reviews and design their own "shelves", like Library Thing and Shelfari.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Week 8, thing 18, continued...the posted Zoho document as a blog
Here is my test page of Zoho...

Monday, October 26, 2009
I think this is way easier to navigate around than Google Docs...
I | like | to |
use | tables | in |
a lot | of my | writing... |
and | forms. | This |
table format is easier | than | Google Docs. |

Monday, October 26, 2009
I think this is way easier to navigate around than Google Docs...
Week 8, thing 18
I think the usage of these tools online will only enhance productivity. I think Zoho and Google Docs is great for students to use for any type of work, in and out of school. Prior to this activity I was only familiar with Google Docs and was just introduced to Zoho. I have to say that I found Zoho much easier to use. I did not even have to go thru the tutorial. I was able to just start clicking. I did click into the features and I liked the options available like the online note taker, planner, presenter, and word processing. I think those programs would be the most useful for my students for a few reasons but they are wrapped into one. I'm in a 47% poverty/free lunch school district so students do not have computers at home but if they do they do not work or are only for the internet. So to have a program like this availabe, I am increasing the odds that students will work on things at home. Also, for the school computer maintenance, I am pushing students to open Google Doc accounts for the same reason as listed and to maintain my computers.
As I was exploring my Zoho account I found an option to post my practice document directly to my blog so I did this. I'm going to post it as a blog. I saved the document as a draft because I wanted to be able to find it. I am also going to export the document as an HTML, which I am finding to be just as easy. I looked at Google Docs and I could not find that option. I think a major difference between Google Docs and Zoho is the fact that Google appears to focus on the collaboration aspect where Zoho is focusing on the productivity. I'm not sure if this is something that others have seen and I would be curious to find what others think.
As I was exploring my Zoho account I found an option to post my practice document directly to my blog so I did this. I'm going to post it as a blog. I saved the document as a draft because I wanted to be able to find it. I am also going to export the document as an HTML, which I am finding to be just as easy. I looked at Google Docs and I could not find that option. I think a major difference between Google Docs and Zoho is the fact that Google appears to focus on the collaboration aspect where Zoho is focusing on the productivity. I'm not sure if this is something that others have seen and I would be curious to find what others think.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Week 7, thing 17

Vietnam Webquest
I hope I did this right...
I've used webquests before and I think they truly aid in the student taking on their own own learning and managing their own environment. I think if the classroom is maintained and students are shown their expectations and what is the task, they would be able to accomplish their tasks. I think that their learning is at its best when they are able to control their learning and not given the busy work.
I chose this topic because last year I thought that this teacher needed a "jump start" to her project. The project dragged on for weeks, where it should have been done in approx. 2. The students could care less and the teacher could not understand why she was receiving plagiarized papers and others that were not meeting her expectations. We have begun collaborating for her project and when I saw this opportunity, I thought I would suggest to her a webquest or possibly Ning as a means to get the project jump started with the basic information and then students would be able to branchout on their own for topics and the research.
I think a wiki is great for sharing ideas and for letting people know about projects. I think that it would be great for all content areas in schools and for professional development.
Week 7, thing 17
Now when you hear the word "wiki" I'm sure all kinds of words and innuendos come to mind. I know during the last inservice where we were creating an intermediate unit website, all kinds of jokes were happening in the faculty lounge. However, I think they are great! I know that is a phrase that I'm using a lot in these blog posts but I do. I have a wiki already for my library:
I use it for various purposes: library promotion is the first priority, library scheduling, a dock for information to teachers for research planning, writing tips, PSSA information, literacy strategies...all kinds of stuff there! However, I am lacking the use of the wiki that I want, which is a means of collaboration and shared resources. I am missing the crucial step and I have been trying to promote and share my wiki with teachers to use.
I liked the examples that were given in the Classroom Learning. I really liked the Library Success Wiki regarding the best practicies. This gave me a variety of links on topics that help the librarian stay in tuned with evolving technology.
I really liked all the wiki's and the fact that I could become a member of those wiki's ans share my resources with others. It is the old thought, I have an idea and you have an idea, and if were share those ideas we each have 2 ideas. I tried sharing that with my nay-sayers at my school and they still did not get that. But that is another post. : )
I attended NECC in Washington DC this summer. One thing that I really, really appreciated was the fact that most of the major sessions I attended had a wiki for that session. For example, I attended the "Library Smack-Down." It was nothing but ideas given by librarians for librarians to better use web 2.0 tools. I could have sat there all day with a pen and paper and even my word document up and typing away, but instead, every resource was documented through the wiki, which I was now a member. I can now go to that wiki and look up the resource and even post a question for the person who suggested it or to the group ingeneral. I can also post my resources with that community. Such a great idea!!!!! I would have lost the paper and I would have probably opened the word document and not know what I typed. But now I will see those resources and know the context it was given and the why. It gave me meaning to my learning at that time.
I use it for various purposes: library promotion is the first priority, library scheduling, a dock for information to teachers for research planning, writing tips, PSSA information, literacy strategies...all kinds of stuff there! However, I am lacking the use of the wiki that I want, which is a means of collaboration and shared resources. I am missing the crucial step and I have been trying to promote and share my wiki with teachers to use.
I liked the examples that were given in the Classroom Learning. I really liked the Library Success Wiki regarding the best practicies. This gave me a variety of links on topics that help the librarian stay in tuned with evolving technology.
I really liked all the wiki's and the fact that I could become a member of those wiki's ans share my resources with others. It is the old thought, I have an idea and you have an idea, and if were share those ideas we each have 2 ideas. I tried sharing that with my nay-sayers at my school and they still did not get that. But that is another post. : )
I attended NECC in Washington DC this summer. One thing that I really, really appreciated was the fact that most of the major sessions I attended had a wiki for that session. For example, I attended the "Library Smack-Down." It was nothing but ideas given by librarians for librarians to better use web 2.0 tools. I could have sat there all day with a pen and paper and even my word document up and typing away, but instead, every resource was documented through the wiki, which I was now a member. I can now go to that wiki and look up the resource and even post a question for the person who suggested it or to the group ingeneral. I can also post my resources with that community. Such a great idea!!!!! I would have lost the paper and I would have probably opened the word document and not know what I typed. But now I will see those resources and know the context it was given and the why. It gave me meaning to my learning at that time.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Week 6, thing 15
I feel that I understand the purpose of creative commons, fairuse, and other copyrighted issues. But I will admit that until I began the Library Science study, I did not take any of these facts into consideration. I almost had an attitude that the copyright police can come and arrest me, little old me.
But I have come to appreciate the use of creative commons and copyright. I think it is valuable and needed to protect a person's ideas and work.
I know that over my travels on the web I have seen a lot of altered videos and other copyrighted materials. Something that sticks in my mind is the fact that recently, as a Buffalo Bills fan, there has been a huge creation of videos placed on youtube regarding the coach and the team just stinking. The video I posted is a parody of Billy Joel's song "We didn't start the Fire." A radio station in Buffalo created the song, however, it is now news that the song was created without permission. I could not find an article to post regarding that topic.
I see Library 2.0 as a means of expanding services to a student or other type of patron. The use of the 2.0 tools will provide another means of service of information to all patrons.
Week 6 thing 14
Tags is something that people do not think is important but I can definitely find value in it. I try to tag my blogs, my bookmarks on Diigo, and my wikispace pages. I started doing that because I saw that there was a space for "tags" so I thought I had to do it. I thought up my keywords and typed them in. But I did not know if I was doing it right. Something I see as a possible issue is the fact that I was the one thinking up the tags. Someone looking for something might miss my posted information on my blog or wiki because my keywords do not match their keywords. However, after looking at the top tags for the past month on Technorati, I think I'm doing it right.
Again, I think this also has value because I will probably better remember what I did if I've associaated my own personal meaning to posts or wiki spaces.
Again, I think this also has value because I will probably better remember what I did if I've associaated my own personal meaning to posts or wiki spaces.
Week 6 Thing 10
Social bookmarking...I tried explaining this to my husband and he thought it was an alternative to facebook or mspace. I then took him on a tour of his bookmarks saved on our computer. He is also a graduate student and he has an entire folder that is dedicated to his grad work. In fact I have had to email him websites and articles to his email address that he accesses from other parts of the country. So I was introduced to Diigo. Very similar to delicious. I like Diigo because of the ability to share with my groups that I have set up, I can post post-it notes to websites so I know why I bookmarked it, and I can create my own Diigo dealing with specific topics. That is similar to delicious. My favorite thing about Diigo is the post-it note.
Regarding delicious, it offers the similar features as Diigo, that is the social sharing of bookmarks, group creation, and the catagories. I like delicious format and it was very easy to navigate around. I think any of the social bookmark sites are great for the main purpose of having the access to your bookmarks. I did sign up for the RSS feed because I think that some the articles I saw listed and the entire theme of the group is great for my professional development.
I started this year with my seniors who are working on their senior research project from the beginning of the year, with an introduction of Diigo. I did not force them but some saw the value in the service and created their accounts.
Regarding delicious, it offers the similar features as Diigo, that is the social sharing of bookmarks, group creation, and the catagories. I like delicious format and it was very easy to navigate around. I think any of the social bookmark sites are great for the main purpose of having the access to your bookmarks. I did sign up for the RSS feed because I think that some the articles I saw listed and the entire theme of the group is great for my professional development.
I started this year with my seniors who are working on their senior research project from the beginning of the year, with an introduction of Diigo. I did not force them but some saw the value in the service and created their accounts.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Week 5, thing 11
Okay, I found something that could be more addicting than the other tools that I already use on the vast WWW. That is mothersclick.com
It is so simple to use! It starts with a search bar that you have a limited amount of characters to type. Now while you type it is searching what you want. To test this, I started typing "time to scrapbook." I came up with a list of things that have various topics: I could start a conversation with another mother who asked a similar question, I could see a poll that was created to that question, or I could see suggestions to answer that question. All of them were short and to the point. I loved it!!!! It is perfect for the mom on the go but also great for expecting moms. There are topics to click into once an account is created. With an account, you can share you search and posts on facebook or other social networks. It also shows the top topics of the day.
As for Ning, I had an account already created but it has been a social network that I've had difficulty staying on top of at this point. However, I see great value in it as a means of having the social network with those who are interested in similar topics. I already had a social connection to the ALA and another Librarian network.
I think like email, I would have another alias for my interests like scrapbooking, mother-hood, and other things. I will continue to play with it.
It is so simple to use! It starts with a search bar that you have a limited amount of characters to type. Now while you type it is searching what you want. To test this, I started typing "time to scrapbook." I came up with a list of things that have various topics: I could start a conversation with another mother who asked a similar question, I could see a poll that was created to that question, or I could see suggestions to answer that question. All of them were short and to the point. I loved it!!!! It is perfect for the mom on the go but also great for expecting moms. There are topics to click into once an account is created. With an account, you can share you search and posts on facebook or other social networks. It also shows the top topics of the day.
As for Ning, I had an account already created but it has been a social network that I've had difficulty staying on top of at this point. However, I see great value in it as a means of having the social network with those who are interested in similar topics. I already had a social connection to the ALA and another Librarian network.
I think like email, I would have another alias for my interests like scrapbooking, mother-hood, and other things. I will continue to play with it.
Week 5, thing 12
I have to admit that I found Rollyo difficult to navigate thru. I thought it was slow to upload and slow to create the final product. Having said that, I do see great value in this. I think that I could use Rollyo as a means to substitute the NetTrekker that was cut due to budget cuts. For those that do not know what NetTrekker is, it was similar to Rollyo and was very student friendly. I see this as more teacher focus because the teacher is creating the websites, where NetTrekker was a search engines that was geared for student/school use. Things were already screened for appropriateness.
I chose the topic of Vietnam because it was one of the few research topics that come into the library that has a theme base. A lot of the research that I work with is usually open topic. I think I could use rollyo by creating the some already searches for some of the topics, like explorers and authors. I would be able to eliminate the "google" issue.
I have to admit that I found Rollyo difficult to navigate thru. I thought it was slow to upload and slow to create the final product. Having said that, I do see great value in this. I think that I could use Rollyo as a means to substitute the NetTrekker that was cut due to budget cuts. For those that do not know what NetTrekker is, it was similar to Rollyo and was very student friendly. I see this as more teacher focus because the teacher is creating the websites, where NetTrekker was a search engines that was geared for student/school use. Things were already screened for appropriateness.
I chose the topic of Vietnam because it was one of the few research topics that come into the library that has a theme base. A lot of the research that I work with is usually open topic. I think I could use rollyo by creating the some already searches for some of the topics, like explorers and authors. I would be able to eliminate the "google" issue.
Week 5, thing 10
I have always wanted this information! Oh, look at the picture prior to this post. It should be my friend's muppet again in a milk carton. I tried to post me in the frame but I could not get the picture to look right so I went back with the muppet. I think it works.
I used for the first time ImageChef. I think it is very easy to use and easy to navigate thru. I clicked into the help section and received a quick tutorial as to how to use the poetry blender and the sketchpad. I liked both of them and I think I can use them for promotional items in the library. And not to take from my thoughts a few weeks ago, I think, I think I could use this as a means to simulate those READ posters and are popular. In the classroom, I can see this being benefical for designing posters for specific topics. For example, I could see my US Government teacher finding this helpful during election season for the kids to create campaign posters. Also, I was thinking in other history classes students "posting" themselves in scenes that have historical signifcance like the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I think ImageChef does not have that type of capabilty but I know of some programs that have those means.
Since beginning this course I have shared this information with my CFF coach and a few teachers who are excellent with integrating technolgy in their classrooms. I think this will be another tool that they will find useful in education.
I used for the first time ImageChef. I think it is very easy to use and easy to navigate thru. I clicked into the help section and received a quick tutorial as to how to use the poetry blender and the sketchpad. I liked both of them and I think I can use them for promotional items in the library. And not to take from my thoughts a few weeks ago, I think, I think I could use this as a means to simulate those READ posters and are popular. In the classroom, I can see this being benefical for designing posters for specific topics. For example, I could see my US Government teacher finding this helpful during election season for the kids to create campaign posters. Also, I was thinking in other history classes students "posting" themselves in scenes that have historical signifcance like the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I think ImageChef does not have that type of capabilty but I know of some programs that have those means.
Since beginning this course I have shared this information with my CFF coach and a few teachers who are excellent with integrating technolgy in their classrooms. I think this will be another tool that they will find useful in education.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Week 4 Thing 8
So I learned about RSS feeds over the summer. I thought it was a great tool for me to use for my personal use. I thought about the time I would be able to save by having an RSS . All the blogs and all the information that I am always seeking would be found at one location. So that is what I created over the summer using Netvibes. I thought it was easy to use and it was compatiable with most of the things I read dealing with scrapbooking and parenting 2 little girls...so can you guess what I subscribed to?
I talked to a friend of mine who attended the same workshop I did and she said that she was going to use the RSS feed for her science classroom. She created a few blogs for the students to read, CNN student, and a few newsfeeds associated with topics that she will be studying. So before school began I created a Netvibes account for my library. I read on Netvibes and remembered from my workshop how to create a private and a public RSS feed. So I created an account for my library and called it PAHS Library...very original. I then thought about what would I want students to read and what do I want for my own professional development on an RSS feed.
I set up for my students a section that showed some of the latest in young adult literature and some recommended book lists through Booklist. I also added the student news report from CNN. I think what I would like to take this is asking teachers what they would like to see their students reading on the RSS feed. I have not had a great response except from some English teachers who suggest some writing tips or SAT tips.
For my professional development, I found a feed for a blog that I read every day...or when it is posted, Library Bytes. So I added that feed, then I searched out some feeds dealing with young adult literature and censorship thru ALA. I thought it was a well rounded feed. I then moved my private feed to my private professional development feed so I can have my scrapbooking and parenting tips.
I really like this concept! I think it is so easy to use AND I do not have to worry about finding the information. I think, besides the description listed above, I would like to introduce this concept to students who are researching. This could be a means to see latest research on specific topics like an email alert for the EbscoHost article.
This is my public RSS feed...http://www.netvibes.com/pahslibrary09#Home
I talked to a friend of mine who attended the same workshop I did and she said that she was going to use the RSS feed for her science classroom. She created a few blogs for the students to read, CNN student, and a few newsfeeds associated with topics that she will be studying. So before school began I created a Netvibes account for my library. I read on Netvibes and remembered from my workshop how to create a private and a public RSS feed. So I created an account for my library and called it PAHS Library...very original. I then thought about what would I want students to read and what do I want for my own professional development on an RSS feed.
I set up for my students a section that showed some of the latest in young adult literature and some recommended book lists through Booklist. I also added the student news report from CNN. I think what I would like to take this is asking teachers what they would like to see their students reading on the RSS feed. I have not had a great response except from some English teachers who suggest some writing tips or SAT tips.
For my professional development, I found a feed for a blog that I read every day...or when it is posted, Library Bytes. So I added that feed, then I searched out some feeds dealing with young adult literature and censorship thru ALA. I thought it was a well rounded feed. I then moved my private feed to my private professional development feed so I can have my scrapbooking and parenting tips.
I really like this concept! I think it is so easy to use AND I do not have to worry about finding the information. I think, besides the description listed above, I would like to introduce this concept to students who are researching. This could be a means to see latest research on specific topics like an email alert for the EbscoHost article.
This is my public RSS feed...http://www.netvibes.com/pahslibrary09#Home
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Week 3, thing 2
I attempted the mashups and LOVED the idea for business cards and I even thought for the top of memos that I have to send out periodically. I think I need to work with it a little more before I feel comfortable with using and sharing my image with the world.
I liked the purpose of Mappr. I thought about projects that could be created for international studies or even a basic elementary pen-pal program. The students could look for images to match with pen-pal communication.
I loved the poster mash up and using Big Huge Labs. I thought it was very easy and I was able to easily make a poster.
I thought using my friend's muppet in the photo would be great for my first project.
I think this would be great for creating those Read Posters for the library as well as other promotional items in the library.
I really like some of the tools because it is free and pretty easy to use.
Week 3, thing 1

Okay, I have been to trainings dealing with Flickr but I have not had a lot of success in making it work with me. So here is my image....
I thought that there is nothing so sweet as taking a picture of a dog doing something that is very human. I loved the title of this photo.."shhhhhh...let me read." Classic!!--wait strike that...I could not get the dog reading to work due to the "copyright" issue. So I found another photo dealing with reading. I was happy to be able to learn from this experience. I was getting frustrated. I am wondering how the link feature works. I tried that first with this photo and it also would not appear.
Something that is easy with Flickr is the fact that simple search terms are able to bring up what could cover the keyword search. I thought also that since the search is relied upon by tags I thought that the tags were established by the creator of the photo. I thought it was giving me the creator's perspective of the photo. Some of the photos were right on with the tag, where some I was left me scratching my head. So unlike clipart, I sometimes had to guess as to why a picture was tagged the way it was.
I like the use of Flickr in the classroom and providing this for teachers as a means to give a visual to what they are working on in the classroom.
I also liked the groups. I also did a keyword search for groups like "librarians", "moms" "vacation goers"--and I found a lot of worthwhile groups that I liked and the photos seemed relivant as well as purposful.
I think that Flickr is also different from other photo sharing sites. Snapfish appears to be more for "family vacation photos" where Flickr appears that it has almost an artistic feel to it. May be I'm wrong here.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Week 2 part II
I could not wait to create an avatar. I looked up and asked a friend about the rules of creating an avatar. She explained that the avatar should be what you want as well as what is me. I selected my avatar with casual dress which is a huge difference for me but I also gave a very different style from my own. It is still conservative but it is different. I decided to post my avatar to my facebook profile and I had a huge response from people who said they liked it! So I guess I did something right.
I may get daring and try to create an total alter-ego.
I may get daring and try to create an total alter-ego.
Week 2
I could not wait to find a reason to create my blog for my library. I have always thought that this was a great forum for me to share my thoughts and an easy way to have students share some things. I would like to see if I can develop a school-wide forum for this as well as some other areas of my life. I have jumped on the blog wagon this summer by subscribing to a few specific library blogs. I have found that at first I felt obligated to read every aspect of the blog and its links. It took me forever. But I listened a wise man explain to me that just like a newspaper or magazine I can and SHOULD filter what I read as it pertains to me. Just like a search engine I can find that blog later and read about what is written. I felt the weight of my reading world lifted. Since then I have been able to discern what I read thru the blog world.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
23 things
One thing I am not sure about is if I am hitting all my points...I am not sure if I am completing the tasks and answering what I need to answer for each of the tasks. Is anyone feeling like that too?
I am, however, very excited to go through the 23 things. I feel accomplished by the fact that I already have some of the tasks completed but since I am an avid learner, I look forward to new methods of the new tools. I am enjoying the Library 2.0 text for the course. I am also using Blogs-Wikis-Podcasts-and-Other-Powerful-Web-Tools-for-Classrooms by Will-Richardson. I like this book because it gives some practical means of using the Web 2.0 tools.
I am, however, very excited to go through the 23 things. I feel accomplished by the fact that I already have some of the tasks completed but since I am an avid learner, I look forward to new methods of the new tools. I am enjoying the Library 2.0 text for the course. I am also using Blogs-Wikis-Podcasts-and-Other-Powerful-Web-Tools-for-Classrooms by Will-Richardson. I like this book because it gives some practical means of using the Web 2.0 tools.
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